Monday. Hmmmm. Always an interesting day.
I saw my Shakespeare professor and he told me that I did really well on my paper that I wrote. Phew! I was so nervous! But that was a really great way to start my week. Sometimes I psych myself out when writing about things that I love. I always want to convey some sort of air and usually end up flubbing it altogether. But I think that I'm starting to really hone in on my voice and what works for me and what doesn't. I'm very pleased. :)
This weekend was pretty good. I spend most of it sleeping mixed with a dinner for Courtney's birthday and random get-togethers with friends that are home for Spring Break. It's unfortunate that USF doesn't have Spring Break for another two weeks but that's okay because Danielle will be home from Missouri! I miss her a lot and I think we're going to go to Omaha (funds providing).
Despite the rainy, gloomy weather I'm feeling rather optimistic. For the next 5 weeks I have every Friday off because I'm volunteering at the Multicultural Center for their Native Reads program. Most everyone knows that I'm in love with Native American culture and this is a great opportunity for me to get involved and spend some time with the kids and their culture. I'm doing it for my Practicum for my Human Relations class. It's going to be a challenging, exciting, rewarding experience.
...and it doesn't hurt to have three-day weekends.
Everything feels so good right now. At this spot in my life. Every door that has been closed has been replaced with something even better.
For the better part of last two years I was investigating a lot in myself. I went through a lot of struggle with my identity and trying to find the right balance for a lot of different things in my life. I was growing. And it hurt.
I made a lot of mistakes and was really hard on myself for that. I'm finally starting to find my identity; my niche. I've made some headway and then again, I took a few steps backward in attaining what makes me happy and whole.
But it's all about the journey. I feel like everything I've done and am doing is going to help me in the future; as a friend, a teacher, a daughter, a student, and a writer.
It can be a lonely road to self discovery and being an artist in your work. But it's important and rewarding to investigate the inter-relationship between the forces within us and the forces pushing on us. Like, fighting for what you want and being selfish sometimes. Being crazy! Throwing caution to the wind and experiencing things that push you farther. Doing things you don't want to do because it's out of your comfort level. Being a little weird.
It's important to read and write. To be curious and to surround yourself with things that just plain make you happy. I like where I'm at. But I also can't wait to get further.

Justin takes really flattering photos of me. :)

I love them

Oh, Dan.

My little birthday girl

Mister mannn. :)
So hooray for the second week of March!
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