I was thinking that when you move out of your home you also lose a piece of your identity. Not saying that where you live identifies you but rather, what happens in your home shapes you and makes you who you are.
I went through it when I first moved out of my parents house when I was 18, moved back into my parents house when I was 19, and moved back out when I was 20. Each time I move, I leave pieces of myself behind me. In other words, I grow with each transition.
Now, I'm not moving back into my parents house but moving in with another form of family -- my boyfriend. I can honestly call him my family and it really baffles me that I have opened myself up so much to a man (or little boy hehe). I tend to be guarded and that has been pointed out to me time and time again. I feel that this is the ultimate form of putting your guard down and truly sharing your life with someone else.
Now, there are so many stigmas against living with your significant other (rooted in the dismantling of a relationship, loss of one's individuality, and so on) and I have to admit that I was a believer.
Now that I'm in the position, though, I'm looking at it through rosy-colored specs. I believe that living with another can make or break a relationship and thus, gives me more of a reason to fight for what I do not want to lose. And that is him, myself, and the respect of space (for both of us).
Old habits die hard and I will need to squash some of mine (being OCD about things, being irresponsible of other's feelings and putting myself first) to last.
The odds are against us...but I've always been a lover of the underdog. And I am most certainly in that position at this point.
Whatever happens though, I want to know that I gave it my all.
I feel that because I recognize these feelings then I will be more aware of how things are going. I will be more responsible about situations.
Well, if this isn't growing up then I don't know what is!
Don't get me wrong. I am so grateful to have such a lovely man in my life who opened up his home to me in a time where I had no where else to go. I will forever be grateful. That he trusts me enough to invite me into his life on such a personal level, such as this.
But you gotta learn sometime, right?
And sometimes you don't get to choose when those times are.
Yes, I'm scared. But I'm also excited, overjoyed, happy, nervous, crazed (!!!), and most of all in love.
So here's to a new way to living (literally).