Unfortunately, I am no longer reading my "currently devouring" book because, as I've stated, I'm currently devouring all things related to Shakespeare, Early American Literature, refugees, and Freedom Writers.
All this reading has got me feeling a little low, though. I wish I had some time to read what I want to read. I'm struggling just to stay on schedule. However, I know better. Things will only keep getting busier and busier until schools done. A girl can dream, though.
Life is peachy. I have no other updates really, except that I'm moving next week. I took off Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday so that I can get everything moved, cleaned, and turned in. And then...another chapter of my life begins -- I'll call the chapter "Living with One's Significant Other -- The Joys and Perils"....because I'm sure there will be both joys and perils. But I'm finally ready and excited to discover them.
Well...here are a few other things, too. : )
-locked my keys in my car yesterday
-got two parking tickets in one day
-planned a Saturday get away with Mr. Man to see a Shakespeare play in Minneapolis (nerd alert). If it helps, my class is going, too. So I'm not the ONLY nerd.
-got approved to pick up overtime this week (!!!)
-bought a Motely Crue lighter, a new wallet, and a new yellow coat for Spring
-listened to Counting Crows constantly since Saturday
-had a lovely dinner at Minervas -- chock full of fillet mignon and a bottle (or two) of wine.
-made a new friend in class
-has been generous lately and the queen of Karma is definitely on my side
Oh, and I can't possibly wait another second for Spring. It almost hurts. So here is some art that I enjoy and takes my mind off of the longing, if only for a short while.

Let's face it -- I will be this Gramma

Inspiration for future decorating...hmmm

Such a lovely photograph

Dream (of sorts) for my kitchen

Too adorable

Bedtime? Yes please.

So cute
And Happy Birthday to my best friends -- Danielle, Corbin, & Dan -- Get wild on your 21st. Miss you all.
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