Spring semester is going splendidly thus far. I have been bombarded with constant reading and writing but that's what I signed on for. I'd rather be doing that than crunching numbers or memorizing inane biology terms.
My most engaging class by far is Shake
speare. The more I read and learn about the Elizabethan era and Shakespeare's plays, the more insanely into it I get. I look forward to that class and love every minute of it. Not to mention, my favorite professor is teaching it, so that's a plus, too.
I was also asked to participate in
a research conference that will be held in May. Our group's topic would be the Merchant of Venice. Still to decide if I will do such a thing, considering my psycho schedule of work/school, but I think it would be a really cool, nerdy thing to partake in.
Life on the home front is good. Really good. Nothing too special or out of the ordinary, but things just feel right. At this moment in time I'm laying on my bed, listening to Broken Social Scene, and taking a break from Act III of my latest Shakespearean play. I'm in fucking love with Bill Shakespeare.
I am also insanely sleep deprived. I do my best writing in the wee hours of the morning. I am also very productive at that time; when everyone else in the world is asleep, and there I am -- writing my little heart out. BUT as you can i
magine...that sort of behavior does not allow for much productivenes
s in the day time. Eh, I'll take my chances.
I've also been squeezing in drives around town whenever I can. Mindlessly driving is just one of those things I do to unwind. It's weird and can be dangerous (especially lately, considering my lack of sleep) but it is one of those act
ivities that can bring me back down to earth. After week-long spouts of no-time-to-do-anything-but-homework-and-work, it's nice to have a little somethin' somethin' I c
an do for myself, regardless of how wacky it may be.
I'd say it's time to get back to
my new favorite playwright, but I must share some pics of the most FANTASTIC hotel Justin and I found to stay in when we're traveling throughout the Pacific Northwest this July.

The one in Seattle (!!!)

The one in Portland (!!!)
We already have 'em booked! Now, all of our flights/hotel/train tickets and purchased and ready to go. Now, we just need to get there. YAY HOORAY.
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