So many things are happening so fast (!!!):
1. It's almost the end of January. Which means, move out time. Of course, I have the entire month of February to move out but it will just be tricky between school and work. I'd like to start and get finished as soon as possible so I can spend less time worrying about getting it done, ya know? Right now it's just really daunting. BUT...things always work themselves out.
2. Spring semester starts February 4, which is a week from tomorrow! I'm buying my books on Friday...ehhh. Oh well, they're just a bunch of English books and then a few Educatio
n books. Piece of cake, right? Yeaahhh. It will probably cost me an arm and a leg but alas, I have no choice.
I'm just super pumped to get classes started! I'll have to work pretty hard at my English classes because, even though I really love to read and write, these classes cover some pretty thick material. I'm less nervous than I am excited and ready. I'm so ready to read.
3. Justin and I are beginning to plan o
ur trip to Portland, OR. With plane tickets not an issue anymore, we're starting to have to figure out the other fun stuff, like hotels, transportation, sights we may want to see, bars, food, money, how much stuff we should bring. AH! Now, we're not getting too ahead of ourselves because we don't leave until July. BUT...I'm not one of those people who has thousands of dollars lying around waiting for me to take a trip across the country. Therefore, planning early can save money. Done deal.
I'm just really excited. To not only go on a trip with Justin but to also go on a trip to the Pacific Northwest. I've heard nothing but great things about that part of the
country and can't wait to see for myself.
4. Between Portland, my 21st birthday, and all of the other fun things that summer brings...I will also have to take summer school. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN...
Yeah, I have to take math. A class that I have dropped twice in my two years at USF. A class that I have no desire to ever take. A class that will ultimately kill me. Ok. I'm being dramatic. But honestly, I hate math. A lot of people hate math but I REALLY HATE MATH.
I'm interested to see how I actually d
o. A C in math would be fine. I'm actually hoping for a C. Shit. But that's not for another couple months...phew. I will not allow myself to freak out YET.
5. My last bullet point of this blog entry. I really just wanted to say in this one that I'm feeling tons better. I don't know what happened but I went to bed last night feeling pretty lousy and woke up this morning feeling A-Ok. Maybe
it was because I forced myself to eat chips and salsa last night and the spicy-ness made me feel better. Or maybe my medicine is working. Who knows, but I feel good. Not 100%, but definitely good enough. :)

True dat.
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