Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I haven't had a blog since High School. However, it's a new year and I'm finally willing to share my life on a more intimate level with people again. Plus, I think that I'm happier when I get it all out. And sometimes, writing in my little black journal just doesn't quite cut it.

SO. With 10-ish days of January 2010 left; I thought that I'd write down some things that I've accomplished/done thus far...

- I have been teaching at Whittier for the past three weeks. I have two days left to go! I loved the experience and the kids but it's time for me to move on. This experience has shown me that I'm not cut out for teaching tweens. I need people who give a little bit of a shit. Aka -- High School or higher is where I'll be teaching, if things go to plan. Which they won't. But I'll stay positive.

- I experienced a huge hour cut at work. Basically -- too much of an hour cut to where I would not be able to afford to keep living in my cute little apartment here on 19th and Spring. SO. I'll be moving in with Justin until I can get my hours back (est. 3 - 6 months).

It's certainly going to be an extremely different experience -- living with, not only someone else, but your significant other. Ah! I'm thoroughly excited however and will be posting pictures of my current apartment before I have to move it on outta here. Which will be happening in mid-February.

I knew that 2010 would be a good year. I could just feel it, ya know? I did not know of all of the extreme changes that would be happening to me, though!

Good nighty nighhttt.